with a perfect outline. Well, at least it was when I wrote it. It's been too long between updates. I decided to go back to college last fall and that derailed much of my plans on my story. I haven't stopped though! I have about 60,000 words and 14 chapters now and I finally think I have Luc and Ana back on solid footing where I want them. Hopefully you enjoy the detour they made in the plot more than I did! Okay, I won't lie, I do kind of like it now that I've gotten used to it. They threw some curveballs at me but I got to meet some new characters I hadn't planned on and I love them. But where are out heroes off to next? I'll give you a hint: There is a huge celebration in February where they're going. Unfortunately, they've missed it for the year but that won't stop them from getting into mischief and uncovering some dangerous secrets.
In a dream, I'm a different me...