A native to the Pittsburgh, PA area, I've lived 40 minutes from downtown my whole life and Pittsburgh has always felt like home. I live with my boyfriend, our 4 year old, one dog, two cats, and two very beloved rats so my life can be hectic but writing is where I get to leave the stress and the worry of the day behind and enter a world of my own creation. Over the years, I've been a writer of many unfinished and abandoned works before I found one that I loved enough to dive in with my whole heart. It wasn't until I really allowed myself to recognize that I wasn't necessarily wired to write the next great American classic that I truly understood that the only way to finish a book was to write something I would want to read. Book one in my BAT series is that book. My favorite genre has always been paranormal romance so that is where I decided to dive in. It hasn't always been smooth sailing but this book has become a passion project and I hope you all love it as much as I do!